Today | Goals + Dreams

Monday, January 27, 2014

Today. What a great day to set goals. A great day to start living your dreams. A great day to better yourself!

I think sometimes people forget that you don't have to wait for a date on a calendar to set goals and better yourself. It's so important to write down your goals and share them with others so they can help you reach them. Below is my latest set of goals that I want to live out daily to be the best version of myself! I hope it inspires you to write some of your own goals today!

1. Tell more people's stories through my photos.

2. Give back more. Serve others. Mother Theresa has a great quote, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." That is my mission.

3. Open my heart to people and tell them why I admire them and how they inspire me.

4. Shut out the negativity. Never focus on the bad things that happened in your day. We prophesy our own future. (Strongly recommend the book "I declare" by Joel Osteen)

5. Simplify life; Do what I love. Seek happiness.

6. Share my smile with more strangers.

7. Never stop learning.

8. Never be too lazy to do something. 

9. Never stop setting higher goals!

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