2013. Whoa. Where did you go!? First of all- I want to announce my 2nd annual New Years GIVEAWAY! I am so blessed and thankful to have all of you as fans and clients, and to show it, I am giving away a free session in 2014! It can be used for portraits, seniors, engagements, families, etc.
1. Head on over to my FACEBOOK page and "LIKE" Kate Harvey Photography.
2. SHARE the giveaway promo picture on your facebook! (Click here to find it!)
3. Make sure the picture is set to "PUBLIC" so I can see the post even if we aren't cyber friends.
4. Tell your friends and family! The winner will be announced January 9th, 2014!
What a crazy, fast, rewarding, and inspiring year this has been. I have met some amazing people, accomplished some of my dreams, and planned for bigger dreams ahead.
The thing I love most about my job is that I am constantly learning. Every day I soak in a piece of information, big or small, that I can use to improve my business. I think it all started last year, in 2012, when I went to Promise Tangeman's GoLive workshop to set up my website. That experience opened my eyes to a world of photography that was way bigger than I had ever dreamt up. It helped me understand that there is a world of creative individuals out there who are more than willing to help, inspire, and live out their dreams with those around them!
This year, I look at my "slow season" as and oportunity to grow. To take a step back from it all and truly anazlize my business. This year I will take some time to reflect. What's my purpose. What can I do for others- for you. How can I serve my clients, and make a difference in someones world. I have had the opportunity to connect with some amazing young individuals who inspire me day in and day out. I can't wait to share with you some of the big things that are happening in 2014!
After the accomplishments of graduating college and building a house with tony in late 2012… 2013 was an even bigger year than I could have imagined. I got an opportunity to dance on a team again, got engaged, planned a wedding, Tony relocated for work, I moved 3 times, and amongst all of that, I was running my business full steam ahead and learning more about myself and my business than I ever have.
2013 will be hard to beat, but I know the Lord has huge things in store for my life. So here's to 2014!! Bring it on!